creating connections
Vogt AG has developed into an established supplier of the electric and electronics industry in the past 60 years.
Vogt AG Verbindungstechnik was established in 1962 and produces single parts and components for electromagnetic applications. It employs more than 100 workers in the fabrication of stamped and fine-tube parts and the manufacture of plastic and wire items, producing around 2 billion articles every year. Vogt AG Verbindungstechnik is an internationally recognised supplier of the electric and electronics industry and is deemed a reliable, competent and long-term partner. More than 20,000 parts can be delivered off the shelf from the standard items division. Special parts and customised production with our own toolmaking complete our sales program.

Vogt AG works with 3D printing
Blister machine LISA complements machine park

Vogt AG celebrates its 60th anniversary
Open day

We take responsibility: Contract with act Cleantech Agentur Schweiz
Vogt AG is able to deliver even during the pandemic
Expansion of machinery: wire erosion machine and starting hole drilling machine "Bohrteufel
"Go Live" of the new ERP

Foundation stone for new ERP
Vogt France is founded

Introduction of 3D measuring laboratory
New pipe processing machine

New web presence
A new corporate identity is introduced with the launch of our new website.
Certifications ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015.

Renaming as Stanztechnik and AEO certification
The certification of the AEO status (Authorised Economic Operator) is completed.
Press-Elec AG in Meinisberg is renamed as Vogt AG Stanztechnik to increase the solidarity of both companies.

Anniversary – 50 years of Vogt AG
Vogt AG Verbindungstechnik celebrates its 50th anniversary with various events.

Conversion of the office buildings
The original headquarters from 1970 are converted. A modern open-plan office is the result.

Conversion of the office buildings
Conversion and occupation of the open-plan office in the administration building, North Building.

New construction of logistics centre
Occupation of a new building as logistics centre and at the same time, relocation of the meter division to Factory 3.
Completion of ISO certification ISO 9001:2000, ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001:1999.

Opening of the commercial centre
Opening of the commercial centre in Lostorf for small companies.
A cooperation agreement with regard to environmental management is signed with the Canton of Solothurn.

ISO certifications
Acquisition of the SQS certificates ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 14001:1996.

New construction of tube processing facility
Expansion of the tube processing to include a new building near Factory 2.
Purchase of the Käser property in Lostorf.

Handover of the company management
Handover of the company management by Peter Vogt to his son Thomas Vogt.

New production process
Initial operation of the fourth production line, the cold extrusion.

Press-Elec AG is moving to a new location
Site relocation and occupation of the Habegger property in Meinisberg BE by PRESS-ELEC AG (today Vogt AG Stanztechnik).

ISO certifications
Vogt AG Verbindungstechnik is ISO 9002/EN 29 002 certified for the first time.

Expansion of the plastic injection moulding plant
The high demand for plastic parts leads to expansion of the plastic injection-moulding factory to include a new building for fabrication, storage and training rooms.

Takeover of additional properties
The takeover of the Schmitz frères & Cie. S.A. (producer of watch cases) property results in the establishment of a mould-making facility for injection moulds on Lostorf's Hauptstrasse and the start of production of plastic parts.

Acquisition of property for tube production
Relocation of the entire fine-tube processing operation to the Industriestrasse.

Establishment of the Press-Elec AG subsidiary
Establishment of the subsidiary PRESS-ELEC AG in Grenchen (today Vogt AG Stanztechnik), where stamping tools and parts are produced for the electrical industry.

Use of ring machines
Rona ring machines are used for the first time to facilitate the initial mass production runs in the tube processing division.

Vogt AG
Vogt AG is formed from Vogt + Co.

Construction of the fabrication facilities
Construction of our own production hall for unfinished parts begins at Stüsslingerstrasse.

New construction of the administration building
A company-owned administration and production building is established on Stüsslingerstrasse in Lostorf (today's headquarters).

Expansion of the in-house fine-tube processing
Due to supplier bottlenecks, fine-tube processing with in-house Feinler automatic lathes is started on leased premises in Lostorf.

Founding of Vogt & Co.
Founding of VOGT & Co. by Franz Vogt, limited partner, and Peter Vogt, limited partner, as a trading company in the electromechanical components industry.